to Boscastle Community
Primary School
to Boscastle Community
Primary School
What's on
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What's on
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About Boscastle Community Primary School


Our school is set in the picturesque harbour village of Boscastle and as a small school of three classes, we provide a unique environment in which each child is nurtured and valued as an individual. Inclusion of all our children is central to our community ethos.

We focus on building children’s confidence, knowledge, skills, and creativity to enable them to reach their goals and aspirations. This is underpinned by lessons which make learning fun, memorable and relevant. We enjoy welcoming visitors into school so children can share their learning and celebrate our work.

Boscastle School is always busy, purposeful, and fun with polite, friendly children and a committed, enthusiastic staff team – we warmly welcome parents (both current and new) who wish to visit us and see what’s going on!

Learning beyond lessons


Our beautiful Wild Valley area, situated within the school grounds, enables children to learn through the exploration of the natural world.

Furthermore, we make use of our local castle grounds and harbour to enhance the wider curriculum. We have a history of collaborating with local artists and organisations in shared projects and visits, so children benefit from a wide range of knowledge and expertise.

What's On​ ...


Upcoming events at Boscastle School and in the local community:  

  • 25 – 28 March: KS1 Swimming.
  • Thurs 28 March: Egg Rolling
  • Thurs 28 March: Last day of term.
  • 29 Mar – 14 Apr: Easter Break.

Boscastle Community Primary School Newsletters

Newsletter 17 May 2024 SUM 5
Newsletter 10 May 2024 SUM 4
Newsletter 03 May 2024 SUM 3
Newsletter 26 April 2024 Sum 2
Newsletter 19 April 2024 Sum 1
IMG 4557

Engineering Excellence Award
in 2023!


Amazing result for our Year 6 who won the Award for Engineering Excellence at the First Lego League Tournament held at RNAS Culdrose in March 2023.

A top 3 school
in 2022!


At Boscastle, we also look far beyond our local area through our work in achieving the International Schools Award each year. Since 2022, STEM has been an area of development, with the older children participating in the First Lego League competition, developing their skills in coding and robotics. We were very proud to be placed as one of the top three schools in Cornwall and take part in the National Finals in Harrogate!