IMG 4439


Our P.E. Vision:

At Boscastle School, we aim to create a culture through Physical Education. which will open horizons, by promoting a deep and lasting enjoyment of Physical activity. The aim of Physical Education at our school, is to promote a physically healthy lifestyle and give our students a lifelong love of sporting activity. Through our P.E teaching, children demonstrate and celebrate new skills in order to improve their sports performance. Children are encouraged and supported to nurture their physical improvement through a curriculum designed to build upon techniques and skills in order to improve game play. All children are encouraged to develop their understanding of the way in which they can use their body, equipment and apparatus safely yet imaginatively to achieve their personal goals. This develops self-esteem and independence. Children at Boscastle are taught and expected to observe all aspects of fair play, honest competition and good sporting behaviour as individual participants, team members and spectators. These values are embedded throughout our school and encouraging lifelong values such as co-operation, fairness and collaboration is a focus of our school life. These values provide the building blocks that enable children to flourish and live together, embracing differences and treating everyone with respect in our school, community and wider world.

Our PE Curriculum


Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Year 1 & 2

Gymnastics Basic Skills

KS1 – Games 1


KS1 Athletics

KS1 Striking & Fielding

Year 3 & 4

Gymnastics Asymmetry/Symmerty



Athletics 3

Striking & Fielding

Year 5 & 6

Gymnastics – Counterbalance



Athletics 5

Striking & Fielding

After School Club


Tri Golf
