

First Lego League 2023 Regional Tournament at RNAS Culdrose

Year 6 win the Award for Engineering Excellence!

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Robot Game

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Innovation Project

A solar powered hydroponics system has been constructed which we now have in the outside area behind Class 3. We’re exploring the idea of growing vegetables in water, known as hydroponics, using a solar panel to power a battery which pumps water round the system. Our first experiment is to grow a variety of different salad leaves and we’re then looking to have a go at growing micro-greens.

To share their Innovation Project at the regional competition, Year 6 constructed models of the hydroponics system and produced a power-point to present their work to the judges. The children were really excited to be working on this project and learnt lots from Eilidh and Tom (and their sons, Harry and Reuben) from Generation Solar, when they visited.

 A huge thank you to Generation Solar for their generous donation of the solar panel, also for their time and expertise – we really appreciated the opportunity to work with industry professionals.

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Core Values

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Exploring STEM activities

IMG 4515
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IMG 4502

Working with the Royal Navy

Year 6 learnt about how how inflatable life rafts are used in the event of a helicopter accident out at sea. 

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IMG 4498
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IMG 4510 scaled