
Pupil Voice

Pupil Voice


Our curriculum will give children the opportunity to:

• make a positive contribution to the school and local community
• make choices about things that are important to them
• contribute to planning their own learning
• take part in democratic activities across the curriculum
• express their opinions on a range of different topics and issues
• say what they like and dislike about their learning
• take part in age-appropriate discussions
• explore ways of becoming an active citizen

The opinions of all our children at Boscastle is greatly valued. Our School vision and values were developed to include the views of the children, as well as staff, parents and governors. The work of our School Council focuses on sustainability, developing links with the community and the development of outdoor spaces around school. Children are actively encouraged to express their ideas and opinions in lessons and reflect on their learning.  
The weekly whole school celebration assembly allows children the opportunity share their own work and to recognise the achievements of others with a ‘shout out’. 


SC Oct 2022

School Council 2022/23

IMG 0962 scaled