

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Local Offer


Boscastle Community Primary School is committed to equality and inclusion for all. We strive to support all children to enable them to achieve at school. In order to do these, many steps are taken to support them through their learning journey.

Quality teaching is vital; however, for some children, there are occasions when further additional support may be needed to help them achieve their targets. The range of support deployed will be tailored to individual needs following thorough assessment by internal and external agencies. It is designed to promote pupils working towards becoming independent and resilient learners. It may include support for:

  • Specific difficulties with reading, writing, or mathematics
  • Social, Emotional or Mental Health difficulties
  • Learning difficulties
  • Visual, speech and language, hearing or mobility problems

Our local offer details the provision that we provide at Boscastle School and the services that we access in order to make the best endeavours to meet the needs of all children within the school, including those with additional needs and disabilities.

To view our Local Offer click the link: SEN Local Offer

Cornwall’s SEND Local Offer


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities are called SEND for short. Cornwall’s SEND Local Offer is a website designed for families. It includes information about SEND and what support we offer. The support is for children and young people with SEND and their families.

What is included in Cornwall’s SEND Local Offer

  • Cornwall’s SEND Local Offer shows the services, support and advice families want to know. We also include statutory information, set by the SEND Code of Practice.
  • It includes universal, targeted and specialist provision. It has topics like: education, employment, leisure, transport, money, health, social care, childcare
  • Most of the information is specific to Cornwall.  If certain things are not provided in Cornwall the local offer will show information and services further away

Cornwall’s SEND Local Offer is part of the Care and Support in Cornwall website.  If you do not have internet access at home, you can use local libraries or One Stop Shops.

You can also call 0800 587 8191 to speak to someone.